Thursday, July 10, 2008

Relationships with the Opposite Gender

How are your relationships with the opposite gender? Do you love, honor, appreciate, respect, and enjoy those of the opposite gender? Do you assume that men and women are the same? Do you really celebrate the ways in which we are different? Would you like to celebrate our differences?

I took a workshop in 2003 that completely changed the way I view and interact with men. So much so that I took every workshop offered, including a leadership program where I spent a year more fully understanding, embodying the understanding, and celebrating a deep appreciation for men. The greater understanding of our differences allowed me to review and heal leftover pain from previous relationships. Now relating is much less painful and much more fun!

Don't worry guys, due to repeated requests from men to understand women, there are now workshops to learn about and appreciate women too.

Curious to learn more? Simply click on the link and you are on your way to having less hurt and more ease in all your relationships with the opposite gender.

Need some inspiration?

I'm excited to be included as one of 40 authors in a compilation book that will be released in Sept., 2008. The book is titled Living and Abundant Life: Inspirational Stories from Entrepreneurs Around the World. You may recognize the names of a few of the authors that have written a chapter in this book. They include: Neale Donald Walsch, Jack Canfield, Sandy Forster and me!

To order your copy, send check or money order for $29 (includes tax and shipping), payable to Terri Moon, to: Inspiring Stories, 1275 4th St, #710, Santa Rosa, CA. 95404.

Raindrop Technique & Vita Flex Workshop

A One-Day, Hands-On Workshop/Training In RAINDROP TECHNIQUE AND VITA FLEX
Using Young Living Essential Oils with Terri Moon
Sunday, August 24, 2008, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, in Corte Madera, CA.

Raindrop Technique is a specific technique that involves dripping therapeutic-grade essential oils directly onto the spine and working them into the spine using light strokes. This helps to balance the body and stimulates energy impulses along nerve endings. It also helps to reduce spinal inflammations as well as to straighten spinal curvatures.

We will learn by experiencing the process throughout the day in three different ways: by observing, by giving, and by receiving the technique.

Cost for the day is $125 plus $30 to cover the cost of essential oils OR you can bring your own Raindrop Technique Kit oils with you (requires ordering a week in advance). Class size is limited. Please call (707)709-8574 or email with questions or to reserve your place. Directions and other details will be conveyed upon registration.

About the Facilitator: Terri Moon has done several trainings in Raindrop Technique, including Level I and Level II trainings with Gary Young, founder of Young Living Essential Oils. Terri has performed hundreds of Raindrop technique sessions on clients as well as taught this class numerous times. She brings much enthusiasm for, and experience with, therapeutic grade essential oils.

Terri has been a massage therapist since 1987 and has experience in many methods of healing including Ortho-Bionomy, Limbic Integration, psychic surgery, Creative Healing™, and Emotional Clearing using therapeutic-grade essential oils. Terri is currently finishing her certification in Clinical Aromatherapy.

What do you need?

Ever have trouble knowing what you are feeling? How about knowing your needs? If you would enjoy more spontaneity with yourself, which supports more spontaneity with others, then check out Non-Violent Communication (NVC), also known as The Language of Compassion. NVC is the language of feelings and needs and is a process of connecting, or being present with yourself and/or others. It is a way to turn the shoulds (blame, criticism, judgement, denial of responsibility, etc.) in your thinking, and in your communication, into gifts. I have found it to be one of the most profound spiritual practices.
That's me with the jackal and giraffe puppets, doing a role play in the park. In NVC, we symbolize our "old" way of thinking and speaking with the jackal and our "new" way
of thinking and speaking with the giraffe.

To learn about upcoming classes and workshops in your area, send an email to

Meditation, anyone?

Meditation is one of the tools I use daily that supports me in living in each present moment. I love the group we have created in Santa Ros, CA. We read to each other from "Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering" by Phillip Moffitt, an instructor at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Northern CA. Then we sit silently for 40 minutes. Then we discuss the sections we read, talk about our meditation, or share pieces of our lives with each other, enjoying the companionship of others with similar values. I find it richly rewarding and find my personal meditation practice has geared up a notch or two!

To order Phillip's book, go to:

Want to Get Out of the Rat Race?

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, created a board game called Cashflow 101. The object of the game is to get out of the rat race (become financially free). We play this game once a month in Santa Rosa, CA. If you would like to become financially independent, you are welcome to join us for the fun (email me at for details). Or if you live elsewhere and want to order your own game, go to:

It's thrilling to learn directly from millionaires and put it into practice in your own life!

Empowered Entrepreneurs

Best-selling author and economist, Paul Zane Pilzer, reveals the future of business in what he calls "The Perfect Storm of Opportunity".

To order The Next Millionaires, by Paul Zane Pilzer, the book that changed my life, go to: